Translational Pilot Studies Banner.

Application Process


Understand the seven steps of the CTSI Translational Pilot Studies Program application process.

1) RFP 2) LOIs 3) Proposals 4) Review 5) Funding 6) Prior Approval 7) Account and Tracking

Full Proposals

  • Invited applicants are to follow the RFP guidelines for submitting the full proposal, which includes:
    • Abstract   
    • Specific aims
    • Background and significance
    • Brief overview of approach
    • Study timeline
    • Potential for substantial extramural funding 
    • References
    • Budget and justification
    • NIH Biosketches
    • Appendix
  • Invited applicants are also encouraged to participate in the CTSI BERD Core's "Research on a Napkin" Pilot Study Review opportunity, which will also involve other CTSI cores, and will provide project-specific advice to enhance pilot study full proposal applications. 
  • For proposals involving human subjects research, the PI must register the study with Central Study Registration (CSR) prior to submission of the full proposal. Pilot studies proposals that involve human subjects that are not registered in CSR will not be accepted. To begin the CSR process, a proposal document (at minimum) is required. For any questions regarding CSR registration, please contact the CTSI Clinical Research Facilitators (716-829-4357).  
    • The HRP-503-Protocol template can be found in the Click portal, within the IRB Library section, under the “Templates” tab.
    • Exceptions to CSR and scientific review of HRP-503 protocols:

(1) If you are submitting your protocol to the IRB for determination of "Not Human Subjects Research."

(2) If you are seeking "Exempt Status" from the IRB for your study. 

(3) Due to reporting requirements, chart reviews must be registered within the system. If bypassing CSR, please leave a comment in Click indicating you are seeking one of the above listed determinations. This will allow the IRB Intake Coordinator to know your study should not be returned for registration. 

  • PIs from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center should follow a similar process while utilizing the Roswell Park Click and IRB.
  • For proposals involving animal subjects, the Principal Investigator must submit their protocol to IACUC prior to submission of the full proposal.