Translational Pilot Studies Banner.

Application Process


Understand the seven steps of the CTSI Translational Pilot Studies Program application process.

1) RFP 2) LOIs 3) Proposals 4) Review 5) Funding 6) Prior Approval 7) Account and Tracking

Scientific Review and Funding Priorities

Applications will be reviewed by independent reviewers from a CTSA hub and rated using the following criteria:

  • Scientific merit and innovation
  • Clinical significance and translational impact on the field
  • Potential for securing extramural funding 
  • Potential for yielding a generalizable solution to a translational science question or bottleneck
  • Realistic milestones and feasibility of completion within one year
  • Rationale and utilization of proposed budget

Following receipt of reviews, the Pilot Studies Executive Committee meets to discuss and determine funding priorities.