Simulation and Modeling

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(716) 645-0484 
Professor Geography and Director of the NCGIA 
College of Arts and Sciences

Area(s) of interest: GIS, Epidemiological Modeling, Linguistics

Primary research focus: Relationship between spatial network and language network

Area(s) of potential collaboration: Would like to collaborate with faculty who are interested in developing grant proposals that involve GIS and network analytics.

Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization; Simulation and Modeling; Spatial Analysis

Nichol Castro
(716) 829-2797
Assistant Professor, Communicative Disorders and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences

Primary research focus: I study how individuals retrieve words from memory, particularly by focusing on the way words (and language more generally) is structured/organized in the mind. I use tools from the network and cognitive sciences.

Areas of potential collaboration or skill-building: network science tools, human cognition (particularly language-related), grant writing, R programming for simulation, network analysis, data visualization

Data Mining, Analysis and Visualization; Simulation & Modeling

Kenneth Joseph  
Assistant Professor 
Computer Science 
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Primary research focus: My research focuses on obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics and cognitive representations of stereotypes and prejudice, and their interrelationships with sociocultural structure. In my work, I leverage a variety of machine learning/NLP methods, agent-based modeling strategies and socio-cognitive theories.

Area(s) of interest: Online Misinformation, Modeling Social Stereotypes, Textual Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Social Media

Computing and Society; Simulation and Modeling; Text Encoding and Analysis

Libby Otto
(716) 645-0523
Executive Director of the Humanities Institute
Associate Professor of Art History and Visual Studies
Global Gender and Sexuality Studies
College of Arts and Sciences

Interest area(s): Gender, Art, Visual Culture

3-D Modelling & AR/VR; Data Mining, Analysis, & Visualization; Digital Collections & Exhibits; Simulation & Modeling; Spatial Analysis; Text Encoding & Analysis  
(716) 645-0411 
SUNY Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology
College of Arts and Sciences

Interest area(s): GIS, Archaeological Theory, Simulation and Models, Information Ethics

Primary research focus: New theories and test of migration incorporating variables such as perception; demography of artists; applications of GIS to prehistory

Affiliated project(s): Research projects; teaching spatial statistics; running the applied social system GIS laboratory in the anthropology department

Potential area(s) of collaboration: ethics- I teach a class in ethics, human rights; would like information; interested in modeling languages particularly those which can be used for cognitive modeling and /or ecological modeling

Computing and Society; Simulation and Modeling; Spatial Analysis