We've provided a number of ways to assist students in searching the hundreds of study abroad programs available.
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These programs include UB tuition. The tuition at the host institution abroad is waived.
These programs are led by UB faculty or staff and have an additional program fee above UB tuition.
These programs have an additional program fee which includes the tuition of the host institution abroad.
These programs allow students to add an internship opportunity to their study abroad experience.
The University at Buffalo offers more than 80 study abroad programs, many of which are directed by our faculty. UB has a large number of exchange programs where students can study at international partner institutions without paying additional tuition. In addition to the search options above, students can do an Advanced Search according to a number of parameters available.
In order to receive credit for your School of Management major/minor courses, the overseas university should have the same accreditation as UB's School of Management. The following UB partner universities have AACSB (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) accreditation. Most of the programs below are semester exchange programs (Fall/Spring), but some offer Winter and/or Summer opportunities.
Asia Pacific:
In addition to the many programs offered by UB, students can choose among hundreds of programs offered by other SUNY campuses all across the world. Grades earned on other SUNY programs abroad are not factored into the overall UB GPA. UB students who participate on other SUNY programs will receive pass/fail grades for the courses taken abroad.