Student Support Services is here to assist students in meeting their academic and vocational career goals.
We will help students successfully move through the following steps which we believe are the most cited indicators of student success.
Entering Buffalo EOC and successfully completing coursework and progressing to the next quarter.
Through a series of programs organized by our retention specialist, signature events and faculty engagement the Buffalo EOC will retain and encourage students to persist.
Entering students that persist and complete their desired program or educational goal.
With our student centered faculty along with a strong commitment from our counseling and advising staff students will have the support they need complete their coursework.
Students achieve satisfactory or superior levels of academic performance and progress to graduation.
The Buffalo EOC faculty are ready to assist dedicated students that are ready to accomplish a superior level of understanding and focused on graduating.
Students successfully graduate and proceed to college, obtain career advancement in their current job or receive a new job offer.
The dedicated team in the office of College and Career Advancement are ready to assist our students in their next steps.
Graduates of Buffalo EOC programs have successfully obtained employment with various organizations including:
Our graduates have held titles including: