Governs conduct in the presence of children, ensures that a duty of care will be met in programs responsible for children, and requires the reporting of child abuse and inappropriate conduct.
The State University of New York (SUNY) has issued its own Child Protection Policy, which applies to any program where the custody, control and supervision of children will be entrusted to the University, or to third parties conducting programs on UB property. SUNY's Child Protection Policy website provides more information about its policy, including guidance and an online training.
UB employees, students and visitors to campus must act appropriately when in the presence of children. Individuals who manage programs for children must ensure they meet an appropriate duty of care for children’s safety and well-being.
Child abuse must be reported to University Police and the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Inappropriate conduct must be reported to the UB official responsible for the program or activity. The UB official must take effective action to address inappropriate conduct.
UB employees who grant visitors permission to use UB property and facilities for programs including children must ensure that visitors are aware of the policy and complete the Policy Acknowledgement Form.
Accessing UB's Child Protection Policy Training
The Child Protection Policy supports UB’s commitment to protect the safety and welfare of children on campus. This online course will help you to understand the obligations of employees, students and visitors under the policy, what to do if you witness or suspect abuse or inappropriate conduct toward a child, how the policy relates to programs and research involving children and employee obligations when granting campus access to visitors.
This course is highly recommended for all University staff and faculty, especially those who work with children as part of a University program or activity or through research or work activities. To ensure you receive credit for taking this course, make sure to print the certificate at the end of the course using the print function in your web browser.
To access the course, you will need to log into UB Learns Brightspace. Select Log in to Brightspace and Log in with your UBIT Name and UBIT Password. From the UB Learns homepage, select Tools, select Discover and select the 2023 UB Child Protection Policy Training Course.
Detailed instructions are listed below in the How To Access UB’s Child Protection Policy course.
Accessing SUNY's Child Protection Training
In cases where the custody, control, or supervision of children is entrusted to the university, SUNY's Child Protection Policy will apply. This video explains when the SUNY policy and training requirements apply, and how to access SUNY's Child Protection Training.
University Police
Bissell Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Emergency Number: 716-645-2222
Fax: 716-645-3758
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
406 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Phone: 716-645-2266
Fax: 716-645-3952
Child Protective Services
New York State Department of Social Services
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-342-3720
Administration for Children and Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
406 Capen Hall (Campus map)
Buffalo, New York 14260
Tel. (716) 645-2266
Fax: (716) 645-3952