Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

UB’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment, and provides for a prompt investigation of reports of prohibited behavior.

  • The reporting procedure is available for all members of the University community, including students, faculty and staff.
  • You will be protected against retaliation for filing a complaint and/or participating in an investigation.  You cannot be punished, harassed or treated adversely for having come forward.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) will inform you of each step in the investigation.  No action will be taken on your report without advising you of what is happening.
  • UB will take prompt and effective remedial action in response to any harassing or discriminatory behavior.
  • You may call EDI anonymously if you wish to discuss a situation and learn about your options.
  • The Investigatory Process
    Each investigation is guided by the need to balance the remedy of unlawful discrimination and harassment with principles of fairness, due process and confidentiality.
  • Protections and Rights
    Explains your rights if you are reporting discrimination, if you've been accused of discrimination or if you are contacted as a third-party witness.
  • External Enforcement Agencies
    Whether or not you wish to report discrimination to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), you have the option of seeking assistance from external enforcement agencies.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    Common questions and concerns when reporting discrimination.
  • Information Intake Form
    If you are considering a report of discrimination or harassment and would like to be contacted, please fill out this form.
  • Silent Witness Reporting
    Allows for the anonymous reporting of suspected criminal activity.

Forms of Discrimination and Harassment

UB policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the following bases:

UB Policy also requires that accommodations be provided when reasonable and necessary due to disability, religion, pregnancy, maternity or breastfeeding status.