Advising and Program Overview

Learn more about degree requirements including advising, registration, plan of study, culminating experience and graduation.
For information related to graduate policies and procedures, click here.

On this page:

Graduate Studies Manual

This manual is designed to be a general reference for affiliated faculty associated with, and/or students pursuing a Master of Science in Sustainable Transportation and Logistics (STL). Included are policies and procedures as set forth by the SSISTL, as well as the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and the Graduate School of the University of Buffalo.


The co-directors of the STL program serve as all students preliminary advisors. Students interested in thesis or project options should seek a primary advisor. Students interested in the coursework option should work with a co-director for their E-portfolio. 

Plan of Study

The MS program in Sustainable Transportation and Logistics is a 30-credit, 3-semester program (if completed full-time) and requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 every semester.  Students can flexibly choose their electives based on their interest and intended career path. If a student wishes to take an elective outside of the pre-approved list, the co-directors of Graduate Studies must approve the course.


Students are required to maintain continuous registration until they complete the program. Full-time status is 12 credit hours (9 for GA/TA/RA). If students meet the requirement to be registered for less than 12 credits, they must fill out the full-time status form  International students should contact ISS about a reduced courseload form as well.

Culminating Experience

As part of each Master’s program of study, there is a culminating (“capstone”) experience that ranges from an ePortfolio to an M.S. thesis or project. A student, with approval of his/her permanent advisor, has the opportunity to choose a thesis or project as the culminating experience. The culminating experience will determine the number of electives the student must take in their course plan. The Thesis will replace 2 elective courses and the project will replace 1 elective course.

Students opting for the thesis or project must submit a proposal to their advisor for approval. These forms can be found on the Current Student Information page, or by seeing the graduate coordinator.

Graduation Requirements

Candidates must meet the Graduate School’s degree conferral requirements to be eligible to graduate:

  1. Maintain continuous registration each spring and fall semester until all requirements for the degree have been completed
  2. Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate study
  3. Fulfill the minimum residency requirement of 24 UB credits of registration
  4. Apply to graduate (in HUB) before deadline.
  5. Successfully complete a project, thesis, or ePortfolio 
    1. Thesis must be orally defended at the department level and electronically submitted to the Graduate School for approval and filing
    2. Projectmust be approved by the student's primary advisor. 
    3. ePortfolio must be approved by a co-director. 

Further, the MS STL program requires that all students complete an exit survey with the program coordinator prior to graduation. Students should email the graduate coordinator to assist with setting up this exit survey in the final semester of the program. 

Questions? Contact us!

Kaylee Waldby
Graduate Coordinator
415 Bonner Hall