Police Feedback Form

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University Police encourage the university community to bring forth complaints and compliments regarding police service.

Our Commitment

The University at Buffalo Police Department is committed to protecting the public interest and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. As a nationally accredited police agency, we adhere to professional best practices for conducting internal affairs investigations and resolving citizen complaints. Our policy is to ensure that there are no unnecessary restrictions or prerequisites required in order to initiate a citizen complaint. All reports of employee misconduct or breach of duty shall be investigated in a forthright, professional and timely manner. This includes internal investigations initiated through anonymous complaints and third party reports.

Instructions for Filing a Citizen Complaint

Direct Report to a Supervisor (Preferred Method):

The preferred method for filing a citizen complaint is to speak directly with a supervisor. This is the best means to ensure we obtain all the information necessary to fully investigate and resolve your concern. You may do this in person at our police headquarters located at Bissell Hall on the UB North Campus, or by calling our main number, (716) 645-2222, and simply ask to speak to a supervisor.


Email the details of your complaint to our department email address.

Online Form:

Complete the online feedback form with the details of your complaint.


Anonymous reports may be filed electronically using our Silent Witness Form.

UB EthicsPoint:

If you prefer to report your concern to someone outside of the police department, you can file a report with UB EthicsPoint. EthicsPoint reports provide the option to remain anonymous, if you so choose.

UB Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI):

If you wish to report your concern to someone outside of the police department and your complaint involves an allegation of discrimination, bias, or harassment, you may contact UB EDI at (716) 645-2266, or by completing their online Information Intake Form.

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