Announcements and Letters

President Tripathi on stage.

Spring 2024

  • UB-HWI Announcement
    I, along with Samuel Russo, Chairman of the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute (HWI) Board of Directors, am pleased to announce that HWI will be joining the University at Buffalo, pending expected approvals.
  • Vice President and CIO
    It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Heath V. Tuttle, PhD, as vice president and chief information officer, effective August 1.
  • Statement on Wednesday's Protest
    We all recognize that we are living in incredibly challenging times. Our hearts go out to all the people affected by the conflict in the Middle East. As we look toward a path to enduring peace, it is imperative that we engage in peaceful, respectful and thoughtful dialogues about this contentious issue and the many ways it impacts our students, faculty, staff and world.
  • Welcome to UB's Spring 2024 Semester
    As I reflect on the many ways the recent storms disrupted the flow of daily life, I am reminded how important it is to capitalize on everything within our control. In the context of our scholarly community, we have agency over our academic and professional success.

Winter 2024

  • Vice President and Chief Information Officer
    I am writing to share that J. Brice Bible has informed me of his plan to step down as vice president and chief information officer, effective February 29. Please join me in congratulating Brice as he prepares for his new role as vice president for information technology and chief information officer at the University of South Carolina.

Fall 2023

  • Community of Respect
    The purpose of this letter is to remind our university community that any harassing conduct has no place at UB. This includes antisemitic, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab harassment, or any other harassing conduct targeting any individuals or groups. Again, I cannot state strongly enough that this harmful behavior has no place in our university.
  • Statement on Violence in the Middle East
    We condemn the brazen attack by Hamas, and we hope for the safe release of the more-than 150 hostages. Despite the stark reality that warfare, once initiated, rarely resolves expeditiously, we continue to pray for an end to the bloodshed, and for enduring peace and stability in the region.
  • Welcome to UB's Fall 2023 Semester
    Welcome to a new academic year at the University at Buffalo! Even as you savor the waning days of summer, I hope you are as enthusiastic as I am about the start of our fall semester. To see our campus bustling with activity today is to appreciate the collective intellectual energy of our university!