Need to Know

Your source for research and scholarly activity updates including news, research and policy information.

  • PI Town Hall Meetings: Effect of The Fair Labor Standards Act
    The Offices of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Sponsored Projects Services, Human Resources and Postdoctoral Scholars would like to take this opportunity to invite all UB Principal Investigators and grant administrative personnel to an important meeting to provide information, education, and guidance regarding the new rules issued by the U.S. Department of Labor for The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
  • Independent Contractor Payment Process
    Sponsored Projects Services' (SPS) is providing clarification of the payment process for Independent Contractors.
  • CITI FCOI: Take refresher course

    When you are notified that your CITI FCOI certification is expiring, you have the option of a refresher course rather than repeating the full training. 

  • Monthly Alerts to Manage Grants
    Effective late summer 2016 - To help investigators manage their grant finances and personnel, the Research Foundation will be sending automatic monthly alerts to UB PI’s with active sponsored awards. 
  • OnCore Launch
    OnCore becomes another tool for UB researchers, as the university looks for ways to broaden support.
  • New BIG Executive Director

    Brian McIlroy is named new executive director for the Buffalo Institute for Genomics and Data Analytics. 

  • New seed funding and incentives for UB faculty

    Learn more about new seed funding and faculty incentives.

  • Congratulating UB faculty authors

    The president, provost and vice president for research and economic development congratulating authors at the 7th Salute to Authors