Ready to Get Started?

The Office of Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) helps develop your proposals. We review and submit sponsored funding proposals on behalf of the university. The Office of Research Advancement (ORA) also can assist in writing and preparing your proposals. Both can help ensure that your proposal is compliant and on time. 

Developing Your Proposal

  • Before You Get Started
    When developing a grant proposal, it's helpful to have a clear idea of your research goals, to understand what types of funding opportunities might exist and whether you are eligible to apply for the funding.
  • Developing Your Proposal
    Many funding agencies provide forms and guidelines for proposals. Specific agency guidelines, if available, should always be followed.
  • Approval, Submission, and Tracking
    The approval process is necessary to ensure that applications are complete and accurately represent you and the university. Your department and school leadership must approve a proposal before SPS can submit it to a sponsoring agency.