The University at Buffalo promotes the highest standards of animal care and use and is committed to the humane and responsible treatment of all vertebrate animals being used for research, teaching or testing. The University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is required by law to investigate reports of suspected animal abuse or mistreatment.
If you observe or suspect animal abuse, mistreatment, or non-compliance with federal, state or local regulations or non-compliance with an approved protocol, please report the incident. The IACUC will investigate and evaluate concerns raised by anyone regarding the care and use of animals at the University.
Concerns or complaints regarding animals used within the University at Buffalo should be brought directly to the attention of the people involved whenever possible. Reporting concerns may be handled as follows:
In accordance with federal regulations, no person shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting any animal welfare concerns. This includes all employees, researchers, visitors and IACUC members and staff. Any concern may be reported with anonymity.
If an emergency exists, please contact the laboratory animal facility director immediately.
Call 716-829-2919
Review additional live-animal research and care policies and resources.
Register for Click or OnCore systems training.
Many federal and institutional compliance regulations require training, both in person and/or online, often before you are allowed to begin your research.