Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

The University at Buffalo promotes the highest standards of animal care and use and is committed to the humane and responsible treatment of all vertebrate animals being used for research, teaching or testing.  The University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is required by law to investigate reports of suspected animal abuse or mistreatment. 

If you observe or suspect animal abuse, mistreatment, or non-compliance with federal, state or local regulations or non-compliance with an approved protocol, please report the incident.  The IACUC will investigate and evaluate concerns raised by anyone regarding the care and use of animals at the University.  

Your Actions in Reporting Concerns

Concerns or complaints regarding animals used within the University at Buffalo should be brought directly to the attention of the people involved whenever possible.  Reporting concerns may be handled as follows:

  1. If an emergency exists:
    • The Director of the Laboratory Animal Facilities should be contacted immediately by calling (716) 829-2919 (LAF Administrative Offices) or (716) 803-5985 (cell phone). The Director will then take any necessary action and report the incident to the IACUC Chair. 
    • If the Director is unavailable, please contact the Clinical Veterinarian to act in their place by calling the LAF Administrative Offices or (716) 536-4933 (cell phone). 
  2. If the situation is not an emergency, the concern or complaint can be submitted with anonymity to the IACUC Office:
    • Via Mail: UB-IACUC Office, 1021 Main St., Room 106, Buffalo, NY, 14203
    • Via Phone: (716) 829-3977
    • Via Email:
  3. Other methods of reporting situations that are not emergencies include:
    • Contacting the Institutional Official (IO): (716) 829-2651
    • Contacting the IACUC Chair: (716) 829-3827
  • Following investigation, all reported concerns will be brought to the attention of the full IACUC Committee to discuss and address.  All actions and recommendations must be approved by a majority of the IACUC. 
  • The IACUC may suspend an activity that is previously approved if it determines that the activity is not being conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the Animal Welfare Act, The Guide, or the University’s Assurance with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW).
  • A written report of concerns and actions will be made to those primarily involved and the IO.
  • When non-compliance is determined, reports will additionally be made to USDA, OLAW and AAALAC, as required.

In accordance with federal regulations, no person shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting any animal welfare concerns.  This includes all employees, researchers, visitors and IACUC members and staff.  Any concern may be reported with anonymity. 

IACUC Actions and Notes

  • All actions and recommendations must be approved by a majority of the IACUC.
  • The IACUC may suspend an activity that is previously approved if it determines that the activity is not being conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the Animal Welfare Act, The Guide, or the university's Letter of Assurance with OLAW.