Our Mission and Vision

Discussion at a meeting around a table.

The Rudy Bruner Center for Urban Excellence promotes innovative thinking and conversation about the role of design in cities.


The Center offers a platform for ongoing inquiry and exchange about the built environment and cities and is a resource for anyone interested in urban development. The Center engages a broad and diverse audience of educators, practitioners, and students through publications referencing the RBA Collection, awards, research, and educational programming.

Excellent urban projects are rarely the creation of one organization or even one sector of the economy, but rather the result of collaborations between non-profit, private/for-profit, and public (government) entities. The kinds of projects that emerge as RBA winners almost always involve close cooperation among organizations from two or all three of these sectors, even though
many are created and driven by non-profit organizations. 

- Wener, et al. 2001. Placemaking for Change: 2001 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence


The RBC seeks out and shares the stories of creative and inspiring urban development to increase understanding of the complex process of enabling beautiful, just, and resilient places, developing additional research, education, and award programs consistent with its mission, vision, and principles.