BioDesign Core Facility

Bio design core facility.

Thank you for your interest in using the BioDesign Core Facility, one of the Shared Instrumentation Laboratories. In order to gain access to the lab, please carefully read and follow the following steps:

Internal/UB Users

If you have not yet done so, please register for an iLab account at the UB Blue Services link here.

External/Non-UB Users

Please complete the steps below. After doing so, you will receive a facility use agreement for signature. Upon returning the agreement, please register for an iLab account at the UB Blue Services link here.

How to schedule equipment training

Training is required for each piece of equipment that a user intends on operating. Staff at each of the Shared Instrumentation Laboratories provide this training by appointment only.

For instrumentation training in the Bonner Hall BioDesign Core Facility, please contact Alan Friedman, PhD (645-2729).