Furnas Hall Materials Characterization Laboratory

Furnas Hall Materials Characterization Laboratory.

Thank you for your interest in using the Furnas Hall Materials Characterization Laboratory, one of the Shared Instrumentation Laboratories. In order to gain access to the lab, please carefully read and follow the following steps:

Users of University at Buffalo laboratories are required to have completed laboratory safety training, preferably with UB’s Department of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S), or to produce certification of completion of training during the 12-month period previous to working in University laboratories. Training must meet requirements of 40 CFR 262 (RCRA Hazardous Waste) and 29 CFR (OSHA Right to Know). In the case of the latter, certification will be reviewed by EH&S to ensure that it meets all necessary requirements.

Alternatively, EH&S training for external users can be accessed at this link.

Laboratory users must be recertified and renew their training card at least once every 12 months. Please upload your renewed certification card here.

How to schedule equipment training

Training is required for each piece of equipment that a user intends on operating. Staff at each of the Shared Instrumentation Laboratories provide this training by appointment only.

For instrumentation training in the Furnas Hall Materials Characterization Laboratory, please contact Yulong Huang, PhD (716) 645-8936.