Academic Excellence and Success Fee

In response to NYSUNY 2020 Challenge Grant initiative in 2011, the University at Buffalo created a strategic investment plan to invest in and expand academics and research, need-based aid, and faculty and researchers. Fueled by NYSUNY 2020, the plan was leveraged by capital funding, a rational tuition policy, and the Academic Excellence and Success Fee (AESF).

The Academic Excellence and Success Fee program provides the crucial margin of resources that enabled the full realization of UB’s NYSUNY 2020 academic strategy.

The first element of this strategy focused on the expansion of interdisciplinary faculty teams that provide new, relevant educational programs for UB students and that build UB’s competitiveness in attracting new research support to the university. This research support provides opportunities for graduate student research and an improved standing for UB in the national and international research community.

Second, UB NYSUNY 2020 built educational capacity at UB. With the addition of faculty, UB now offers more course sections in high-demand course areas. We also provide the advising, technical and facilities infrastructures that ensure more timely attainment of every student’s degree objective and a higher quality educational experience. UB has concentrated the investment of Academic Excellence and Success Fee revenue to build these infrastructures for our students.

Updated 1/10/2025