Forms and Guides

  • Residency Application
    Students who wish to be considered for resident tuition should review the eligibility requirements and complete a residency application if they can provide the requested supporting documentation. 
  • Excelsior Refund Request
    Students receiving the Excelsior scholarship are urged to consult with a Financial Aid and/or Academic Advisor before submitting a refund request.
  • VA Benefits Refund Request
    Students needing a refund of their federal aid, while waiting for their VA Benefits payment to be received, may request the refund using the VA Benefits Refund Request form.
  • Financial Aid Title IV Permission Change Request (UBIT Login)
    Federal regulations require the university to obtain authorization to apply Title IV financial aid to all charges appearing on a student's account.
  • FERPA Release Form
    Students may grant or revoke both financial and/or academic access to account information for one or more individuals.
  • Contact Us
    Submit your inquiries and comments to Student Accounts. We will contact you through the email address you provided, if additional information is needed.
  • Forms for Faculty and Staff Use
    Faculty and staff can access these forms by authenticating with their UBITName and password.
  • Training Guides
    Students may use the training guides to learn how to navigate the Billing/Payments area of HUB and QuikPAY.