Email Student Health Services

Upload your Immunization Documents to the Patient Portal

UB students must upload vaccine documentation to their medical record via Student Health Services' patient portal. Your records will be reviewed in the order they were received. Be sure to check your HUB account often, and contact our office if your holds haven’t been removed in 7-10 business days.

Before You Email

We cannot guarantee the confidentiality or immediacy of email communication.

  • Email should never be used in an emergency
  • Do not send detailed or personal medical inquiries via email. Send a confidential message to the nurse team on the Patient Portal.
  • Please allow up to 3 business days for a response to email
  • We no longer accept immunization documents via email. Submit your immunizations via the Patient Portal. Get help with immunization records or requests for medical records online
  • Files should be sent in .jpg or .pdf format. We cannot open .HEIC files.
  • Call 716-829-3316 to for medical advice or to schedule appointments
(Required) address preferred

(.pdf or .jpg files only)


University at Buffalo
4350 Maple Rd
Amherst, NY 14226

Phone: (716) 829-3316; Fax: (716) 829-2564

Campus Contacts

If you need an immediate response

In an emergency, please call University Police on-campus (716) 645-2222 or 911 off-campus

While we try to check our messages regularly, there may be times when staff members are unavailable, or when messages are not functioning as expected. If time is of the essence, please call the unit you are trying to reach.