Campus Race to Zero Waste


2025 Competition Dates

February 2, 2025- March 29, 2025

Campus Race to Zero Waste (formerly RecycleMania) is an eight week national competition and benchmarking tool, held each spring, for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities across campus.

Overall goals

  1. Motivate students and staff to rethink material consumption, reduce use, reuse items, and increase recycling efforts and reduce waste generation.
  2. Generate attention and support for UB's Zero Waste strategy and Climate Action Plan.
  3. Encourage zero waste thinking.

Campus Race to Zero Waste Statistics

Official CR2ZW weekly results are posted each Friday afternoon during the competition to the Scoreboard section of the Campus Race to Zero Waste website. 

Campus Race to Zero Waste Activities

Throughout the competition, here are some ways you can participate in our recycling and waste reduction efforts.  

Lug Your Mug!

Whether your beverage of choice is water, coffee or tea you can help the environment while staying hydrated or caffeinated--just lug a mug.  

Yes, you can recycle plastic bottles.  But, did you know that water in plastic bottles has been shown to contain microplastics--yuck! 

Unfortunately, you cannot recycle paper coffee cups because they have plastic sandwiched between layers of paper (that's why they don't leak). 

Refill a reusable, and ditch the disposables!     

Carry Your Cutlery

Another easy, but impactful way to reduce your use of throw-away items, is to purchase a cutlery kit.  Toss it in your bag and you'll be able to forego plastic utensils when you're eating away from home.  

Plastic utensils cannot be recycled and end up sitting in landfills.  

Avoid Food Waste

Looking for other easy ways to reduce your impact?  Do your best to avoid wasting food.  Food has a huge impact on the environment from production, to processing, to transporting and prepartion. 

Make those calories work for you.  Take what you like, but eat all you take!  Food that is trashed produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. 

12 Easy Steps To Do Your Part

12 Easy Steps to Do Your Part :

  1. Recycle! Recycle! Recycle!
  2. Think before you throw something out: "Can this item be recycled?"
  3. Place a work order to request recycling bins 
  4. Add a tagline to ReThink, Reduce, ReUse and Recycle to your emails
  5. Like our posts on Instagram!
  6. Volunteer to hang posters around campus 
  7. Create a video promoting how you reduce waste
  8. Post recycling instructions near bins
  9. Compost
  10. Volunteer to be a Recycling Ranger at basketball games
  11. Tell a Friend!
  12. Rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle, and have fun!