
  • Russian start-up wants to clean space junk with foam ‘spiderwebs’

    Forbes quotes John L. Crassidis, Samuel P. Capen Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, in a story on a Russian startup that's spraying space junk with polymeric foam that will then sink safely and burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

  • The fabric of Lean: 5 essential principles

    The financial vitality of any type of organization hinges on two metrics: profit and cash flow. While there is no magic bullet to assure positive performance measures for either, there is a powerful philosophy that has potential to make an enormous impact. The Lean business methodology, as described in a LinkedIn article by UB Center for Industrial Effectiveness (TCIE) Executive Director Timothy Leyh, trims out time and efforts spent on the unnecessary. The best chance of making Lean stick is to start by grasping five simple yet essential principles.

  • High ROI with preventive maintenance training

    UB TCIE provided an 8-hour preventive maintenance training to employees at Panasonic Solar North America. John R. Morgan, general manager, says, "I think we have made a better return with this investment than any other to date. I highly recommend the folks at TCIE to other industrial leaders. They should leverage this fine local resource." 

  • Study: Paper-thin gallium oxide transistor handles more than 8,000 volts

    The advancement surpasses silicon and other mature technologies, and could help improve distances that electric cars, locomotives and airplanes can travel.

  • A historic milestone: the career of private space tourism begins

    One of the most popular news websites in Argentina, Clarin, interviewed John Crassidis, SUNY Distinguished Professor and Samuel P. Capen Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, about SpaceX’s successful mission to deliver two astronauts to the International Space Station.

  • Artificial intelligence can help combat the spread of misinformation

    UB engineer Jun Zhuang helps FEMA, Department of Homeland Security fight false rumors during disasters.

  • NASA funds research on impact of air pollution reduction

    NASA's news site reported on research by Kang Sun, an assistant professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Sun is developing a process that will give scientists and policy makers a way to monitor how long the observed global decrease in some types of air pollution will last and what effects these changes will have on the chemistry of earth’s atmosphere.

  • Wearables could be key for worker safety

    The website Supply Chain Dive reports that, as factories and warehouses reopen, wearable technology could be employed to keep workers at safe distances and monitor their health. The report quotes Albert Titus, professor and chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

  • Shelter-at-home orders put spotlight on disability accommodations

    The Society of Women Engineers reports that COVID-19 has raised the profile of flexible work arrangements, compelling corporations and institutions to recognize that reasonable accommodations represent a step toward inclusivity that will help both employees and employers. The article quotes Meghan Donahue, a PhD student in industrial and systems engineering, who said the idea of designing for differing needs not only varies for each person, but it’s also about the environment.