Solar Energy Codes, Permitting and Zoning

This third course of the Solar PV for Engineers, Architects and Code Inspectors series equips learners to identify national code and zoning rules specific to photovoltaic (PV) systems, as well as key design elements and points for inspection. Curriculum includes zoning variances, critical elements of the permitting process, planning documents necessary for PV system installation and recommendations for permitting offices to streamline the permit process. Learners gain a code inspector’s perspective in relation to building and electrical code requirements.     

This online course is available on the Coursera platform.

Course Duration: Approximately 13 hours

Learning Outcomes

  • Articulate PV system building code essentials
  • Describe the site inspection process
  • Identify code and zoning rule considerations
  • Explain key design elements and points for inspection

Intended Audience

Anyone interested in entering the solar power sector; especially appropriate for building and code inspectors, engineers, HVAC installers and architects


  • High school diploma
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics
  • Basic background in technical areas/grasp of electrical engineering
  • Completion of Solar Energy Systems Overview for those who are unfamiliar with how PV works, the elements of a PV system, and/or solar power ROI
  • Completion of Solar Energy and Electrical System Design for those who are unfamiliar with the anatomy and function of PV systems