Decentralized Applications

This third course of the Blockchain series focuses on decentralized applications (Dapps), which provides anyone with access to blockchain features and services. Participants will use Truffle IDE, smart contracts, a simple web client and a MetaMask client. They will learn about the architecture of this application: the front-end client interface, backed by the blockchain and smart contracts. The course covers the basic design of a Dapp, Truffle development process and commands, test-driven development of Dapp, Dapp application models and emerging standards that are essential for predictable Dapp behavior.

Course Duration: Approximately 15 hours

Learning Outcomes

  • Design and develop end-to-end Dapps

Intended Audience

Anyone interested in designing and developing Dapps


  • Mastery of content from the first course (Blockchain Basics) and second course (Smart Contracts) of this series
  • Some knowledge of command line interface and javascript


There is no charge to “audit” the course. The fee to gain complete access and the opportunity to earn a verified certificate is $49 per month.