Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors consists of respected local professionals, UB faculty, staff and parents of center children. They are responsible for fiscal and policy matters pertaining to the UB Child Care Center and are organized into several subcommittees.

Each board member is expected to serve on at least one board committee; executive, audit, finance, development, leadership and personnel.

Elections for the Board of Directors positions are held annually in the Winter/Spring semester and appointed terms follows the calendar year.

You do not need to be a board member to serve on these committees; if you would like to be considered to serve on a committee please send an email to the board at

The Board fulfills the important role of guiding the UBCCC organization. If you would like to learn more about the UBCCC Board of Directors, please review the UBCCC BOD Job Description Download pdf(252 KB) and Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members Download pdf(82 KB).

If you would like to serve on the Board of Directors, please email a completed application Download pdf(363 KB), along with a current resume/CV to

Applications are accepted between September and November, with new board members interviewing in December and starting in January of each year. Committees that are listed as open can be joined at any time by emailing