2019 UBIT Data Privacy Forum: join the conversation

Published March 13, 2019 This content is archived.

Students in the Downtown Jacobs Medical Building active learning classroom.

How many of us understand what happens to the data we generate—where it goes, and how it is used? The potential of people and institutions to benefit from the insight their data provides is potentially limitless—but are we ensuring the integrity of what we do with our information?


That question has ramifications in the legal and technical worlds, for institutions like UB and for each of us on an individual level. To better explore these issues in a public setting, UBIT is hosting a Data Privacy Forum at UB on April 8, and all are invited to attend.


This forum invites the campus and the broader community to join in a nuanced conversation about data privacy. The keynote speakers and panelists—which include legal experts, industry leaders and ethical hackers, as well as UB students, faculty and staff—are each in a unique position to share surprising perspectives and new ideas.


Engaging the community in this type of conversation has been a critical part of our strategy to strengthen data security at UB while also protecting the freedoms that make research and open academic inquiry possible. It’s why we built a Faculty Senate IT Committee, and worked with them to develop new security standards for devices and servers at the university. It’s also why groups like the Data Governance Executive Oversight Group and the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Committee exist at UB.



This conversation is critical to data privacy; it can’t happen any other way. From how individuals protect themselves online to how large organizations use and secure their data, it behooves us all to be better informed so we are empowered to act in support of the best use of our data. My hope is that everyone will walk away from this discussion equipped to do just that.



And I hope you’ll join us. Find out more about the event on the UBIT website, and RSVP at cio@buffalo.edu.



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