Fall 2020: by the numbers

A student stops to take pictures of spring flowers with his phone on UB's South Campus.

Published September 14, 2020

2020 is a year that defies comparison.


Each fall, we review the data behind our IT services at the University at Buffalo to paint a picture of the upcoming semester and our incoming cohort of students. While we traditionally compare these numbers to previous years, in 2020 this can prove unfruitful or overly simplistic (“Virtual meetings are up. Network connections on campus are down,” etc.). 

In 2020, virtual collaboration is the norm

Enabling collaboration everywhere has been an important part of UBIT’s strategic plan, and in 2020 our campus community leveraged the full potential of that effort.

UB has hosted nearly 17,000 meetings online in the first week of the fall semester alone, including virtual classes, using Zoom and Webex—a hundred-fold increase over 2019. Students watched 3.5 million minutes of lectures virtually using Panopto, and the amount of data stored in our cloud storage solution UBbox doubled to 1.7 PB.

This year at UB, we “flipped” our ratio of in-person/online classes. Before 2020, roughly 10% of our course offerings were online; this Fall, 84% of faculty surveyed said they are teaching at least some element of their classes online. 

We laid the foundation for this dramatic shift with our strategic plan, and by coordinating our Coronavirus response across campus while listening to faculty, who told us the best ways to help them transition quickly.

Connectivity is more important than ever

For the first time in recent memory, this fall we registered fewer devices connecting to our network—roughly 68,000 devices, compared to 109,000 the year prior. And yet, our wireless network traffic ticked up slightly, to 49,400 GB per minute on average.

Our connectivity networks are a critical utility, now more than ever. But our customers aren’t necessarily using it the same way. That’s why we built out services that cater to those connecting from off campus, like My Virtual Public Site, which provides access to UB public computing sites remotely.

Customer-facing services are getting more customer friendly

In August, we introduced a new student-focused printing solution at UB. Importantly, the 40 new print kiosks distributed around campus are touch-free and reduce crowd density compared to our previous, centralized solution.

While the COVID-19 pandemic influenced our timing, this project is the result of several years’ worth of engaging customers to design a print system that is both more convenient and environmentally friendly.

Students have printed over 176,000 pages this semester, and with each print job they’ve reduced waste by printing on sugar cane fiber that would have otherwise been discarded. 

Like the introduction of Zoom last spring, our new printing solution is an addition to our portfolio that will continue to add value to our customer experience well beyond 2020.

We are looking forward

This year has brought no shortage of challenges for all of us. But in our best moments, we’ve found opportunities for lasting change that align with our strategic plan and the mission of the university.

When we talk about “the new normal,” that’s how we should think. It isn’t about living in or adapting to a state of crisis, but leveraging opportunities today to improve our lives going forward. That optimism is an important part of what brings our new and returning students to UB this and every fall, and as always, we’re honored to be working with them.

Fall 2020: by the numbers

Wireless and networks

16,666 average unique customers per day (2019 26,140); 49.4k average wireless traffic per day (2019 49,190); 26,676 average unique devices per day (2019 38,960); 5.14 GB/second total network traffic average, 11.41 GB/Second peak (2019 10.2 avg., 13.9 peak).

UB Learns

UB Learns: 77,256 customers; 152,895 enrollments; 542,356 unique logins; 4,269 active fall courses; 715 active summer courses; 3,553 active spring courses.

News, web and mobile

27.5M hits on UBCMS webpages (2019 37.6M); 66,000 UB Mobile sessions (2019 71,247); 1,463 UBIT News article views; 6,200 UB Mobile unique users (2019 12,000).


7.9M emails delivered (2019 8.6M); 88 average emails per person (2019 average 100); 2.9M filtered spam emails (2019 4.6M); 107 mass mailing requests (2019 78).


223,728 MyUB sessions; 43,400 classes registered; 2,100 academic advising reports generated; 180,000 logins; 14,000 grade views; 15,500 financial aid views; 3,700 transcripts generated.

Social Media

12,100 Twitter impressions (2019 6,945); 595 Facebook post reach (2019 713).

Total Devices

68,247 total devices: 15,616 Windows (2019 22,543); 12,238 iPhones (2019 26,065); 9,432 Android (2019 10,549); 6,581 iOS other (2019 7,872); 4,754 Mac (2019 14,167); Other 19,626 (2019 28,674).

Information Security

16 compromised accounts (2019 32); 4 DMCA copyright incidents (2019 26).
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