Cisco Secure Client

Securely connect to UB services, including My Virtual Computing Lab and UBfs, from off campus, or to departmental VPNs or AdminVPN. Cisco Secure Client is the recommended Virtual Private Network (VPN) client at UB.


Cisco Secure Client can be downloaded by UB faculty and staff, and students who have paid the Comprehensive fee.

Ways to use

Download from UB

Note: This software can be downloaded multiple times and does not limit the number of installations.


Windows 11 ARM Devices



Red Hat

If Cisco doesn't officially support your Linux distribution, we recommend you switch to a distribution that is officially supported.

Requirements for use

  • Supported Operating Systems
  • You must be the administrator of your computer
  • You can run Cisco Secure Client from a foreign country, but only if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is not running a proxy server.

See also

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.