Find Software for Your Windows Computer

View software to download for your personally-owned computer.

  • ArcGIS Desktop
    ArcGIS Desktop allows you to create maps, perform spatial analysis, and manage data. You can import multiple data formats and use powerful analytical tools and workflows to identify spatial patterns, trends, and non-obvious relationships.
  • Cisco Secure Client for Windows
    Cisco Secure Client is Virtual Private Network (VPN) software required to securely connect to UB services from off campus, including My Virtual Computing Lab and UBfs. Cisco Secure Client is the recommended VPN client at UB.
  • EndNote
    Reference management software application used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles.
  • Equatio
    Equatio is an advanced equation editor that allows you to speak, draw, or type problems and equations directly onto devices.
  • Jabber
    Jabber is a phone and chat application.
  • Maple
    Maple helps you analyze, explore, visualize and solve mathematical problems.
  • Mathematica
    Use Mathematica: math software that integrates numeric and symbolic computations, graphics, programming language documentation and connectivity to other applications, available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
  • Media Player
    Media player and media library application used for playing audio, video and viewing images on Windows computers.
  • Minitab
    Minitab is an all-in-one statistical and graphical analysis software package. Minitab is easy to use and can be utilized interactively to provide data manipulation and statistical analysis for data sets. 
  • Office 2019 Professional Plus
    Use Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus for Windows, a productivity suite of software for editing documents, spreadsheets, computer slide shows, reading email and more, for your computer with Windows 10 operating system installed on it.
  • Office 2021 Professional Plus
    Use Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus for Windows, a productivity suite of software for editing documents, spreadsheets, computer slide shows, reading email and more, for your computer with Windows 10 or 11 installed on it.
  • PuTTY
    PuTTY is an open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application for Windows.
  • Read&Write
    Read&Write is Texthelp's text-to-speech software that provides help with reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work.
  • Spirion Unmanaged for Windows
    Find, remove or secure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from a computer.
  • Windows Upgrades
    Download an update to your existing version of Windows.
  • WinSCP
    Upload and download files with a secure file transfer (SFTP) program.
  • X-Win32
    A proprietary implementation of the X Window System for Windows computers. X-Win32 allows remote display of UNIX/Linux windows on Windows machines as a normal window.
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