Service Level Statement:

Classroom Technology Services

Faculty have access to high quality instructional technology equipment for teaching in classrooms including digital projectors, microphones, audio and video recording, web conferencing and more. 

Classroom Technology Services (CTS) is building a Classroom Response Center to improve efficiencies and enhance our ability to solve user issues remotely while continuously improving the technology available for teaching and learning in classrooms and in the cloud.

Scope of Services

CTS provides classroom user support, classroom computer imaging, classroom and technology repair, classroom and technology design and installation, and classroom recording support in spaces owned and managed by UB.  While we are not directly responsible for physical space issues (e.g., furniture, chalk, lighting), for Centrally Scheduled Spaces (CSS) we will facilitate the logging of Facilities workorders as needed to support the overall utility of the space.  

Centrally scheduled classrooms are maintained with a standard level of functionality including digital projection or display of user supplied devices, internal PC, and document camera. Many classrooms have been enhanced with one or more instructor microphones, classroom recording, and web conference capabilities. For details on a specific room or to search for a space with a specific feature, see the feature list in the UB Space Request System.

Classroom User Support – Centrally Scheduled Spaces only

User support includes: training (how to use touchscreen, how to use lapel mic); assistance with connection of user-supplied devices (laptop, tablet, phone), and initial troubleshooting to determine if Classroom Repair is needed. 

Use the phone in the classroom to reach us directly: 645-3542 option 2

Calls received in the Classroom Response Center will be answered immediately. If a remote solution is not possible, support staff will be dispatched immediately. Our goal is to resolve classroom technology related problems within ten minutes. Typical problems such as a PC going down, or a document camera or touch panel reset, can be resolved in ten minutes.

On the rare occasion when a repair requires more time (e.g., projector is down, control processor needs to be reset), CTS will search for an open room and move affected classes if possible and if acceptable to the instructor. Often our technicians make repairs and updates in the early morning before classes start.

NOTE: a department or school may have an individual Service Level Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding that defines CTS support for their spaces.

Classroom Computer Imaging

IT Customer Service provides an internal Windows PC in centrally scheduled classrooms. These machines include many university-licensed software packages such as Microsoft Office Professional, Endnote, Maple, and Open Office. For the complete list of software available see the Software Technology in Classrooms page. Specialized software can be installed by request. 

Classroom PCs login automatically with a default user account that does not require a UBIT login. Users may also choose to login with their UBIT credentials.

Classroom and Technology Repair

CTS provides repair for all technology spaces on UBs three campuses. Repairs of centrally scheduled spaces take precedence over requests for repairs in departmentally managed spaces.

For departmental spaces, CTS technicians will provide labor at no cost, parts will be paid for by the department.

Classroom and Technology Design and Installation

CTS staff are responsible for the majority of the design and installation in centrally scheduled classrooms. Funding for installation, upkeep, and repair of these classrooms is centrally funded. CTS management is accountable for compliance with CTS standards regardless of who does the work. 

For departmentally managed spaces, CTS designers are available for consultation and design of audio-visual technology installations. When outside vendors are utilized for design and installation CTS designers can assist with writing bid specs and act as liaisons for technology integrators.

Classroom Recording

CTS administers the university-wide lecture capture service. Many classrooms are equipped with cameras, microphones and a recording device to provide automated lecture recording. The lecture capture service also gives faculty the ability to record themselves anywhere outside the classroom on their own device.

 Hours of Support - Centrally Scheduled Classrooms

Centrally scheduled classroom support hours for the current semester are listed on the UBIT Help page.

Requesting Services and Support

Requests for services or support should be logged with the UBIT Help Center or by filling out the online forms. We may not be able to accommodate late requests (made 14 days prior to an event) or changes made within 48 hours  of your event. 

See also

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.