This PIO-focused tabletop exercise was developed adapting a scenario based on the DHS/FEMA National Tabletop Exercise for Institutions of Higher Education using a scenario where college campuses are affected by a novel strain of influenza.
To make the most effective use of our time, prior to our exercise:
When: TBD (Program begins promptly at 8:30am, on [insert date])
Where: TBS (insert meeting location)
8:15am: Bagels, Cream Cheese, Coffee will be provided in the morning - Please be seated with your refreshments and ready to begin by 8:30am.
12noon: Lunch will be provided as well, as the discussion will continue into the lunch hour.
8:15am – Refreshments (15 min)
8:30am – Orientation/Instructions (15 min)
8:45am – Module 1a Human-to-Human Transmission and First U.S. Cases (30 min)
9:15am – Module 1b First Case Presentations on Campus and in Region (30 min)
9:45am – Module 1c Spread throughut the Campus Community (30min)
10:15am – 15 Minute Break (15 min)
10:30am – Module 2a Taking Stock and Looking Ahead (30 min)
11:00am – Module 2b International Student Issues at UB (30 min)
11:30am - Module 2c Research Controversy (30 min)
12:00pm – Lunch & Lessons Learned (60 min)
The exercise is based on a developing scenario. - After reviewing the developing scenario in each module, players will discuss the corresponding prompts, and detail any actions to be taken.
Each module begins with a brief update that summarizes the key events. Participants will review the situation and discuss appropriate response issues.
During this exercise, the following apply:
Due to time constraints, groups are not expected to be able to work through this entire exercise. However, the following guidelines may be helpful:
[insert list of participants]
To prepare for the tabletop exercise, you can review this website.
[insert link to any handout]
An infectious disease outbreak tabletop exercise should be conducted every 3 years.