Disposal of Equipment Form

Arrange for the disposal of items having little or no value and no potential for re-use. Complete, accurate and auditable documents relating to disposal of property must be maintained at the departmental level.

Disposal of equipment must be handled by Requesting a Service though University Facilities. 

Stop — Are You Disposing Laboratory Equipment?

If you are disposing of laboratory equipment, please also include the Laboratory Equipment Release form. Failure to include the lab equipment release form could result in a delay in processing your request!

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Condition Definition

Used equipment that has deteriorated in condition and/or appearance and that may require major repairs or renovation; computer equipment is considered in poor condition if:

  • Repair is necessary
  • It no longer has a useful life
  • It is not able to run current operating systems
  • It is not able to run current software applications
Scrap Used equipment that has been cannibalized for parts or requires significant repairs for which parts are not available

Initiate the Removal of Items in Poor or Scrap Condition

  1. Verify that items meet the definition of either poor or scrap.
  2. Remove all miscellaneous, non-related items found in or on the asset(s), secure any moving parts, drain any reservoirs and remove any liquid ink and/or chemicals, gases or powders. Wipe down hospital equipment with a bleach solution.
  3. If the equipment contains radioactive material or if you have questions about any hazards regarding equipment you want disposed, please contact Environment, Health and Safety at 716-829-3301 prior to initiating this request.
  4. If the asset is attached to the building and,or it is necessary to disassemble or disconnect utilities from it, please contact University Facilities Customer Service at  716-645-2025 for guidance prior to initiating this request.
  5. Be certain to list any and all Asset Numbers so Asset Management can update your inventory records.  Be very specific because University Facilities will only remove items and quantities listed.
  6. The Request for Disposal MUST contain two authorized signatures as indicated.
  7. Print the form and have it signed.
  8. Scan a copy for your records and audit purposes.
Please Be Thorough!

Departments have a responsibility to thoroughly document the disposal of equipment. Carefully read and understand the steps to initiate the removal of property.

Completing the PDF Form

  1. Read through all pages of the document to find specific instructions, if any
  2. Enter requested information into the form
  3. Print the form
  4. Get required signatures
  5. Scan a copy of the signed form for your records
  6. Send the original, completed, signed form to:         

Email University Facitlities at custserv@facilities.buffalo.edu or Fax: 716-645-5965


Email to Asset Management at ubs-assetmanagement@buffalo.edu

Attach a copy of the form to EACH item.

Send original to your Departmental Inventory Coordinator.

Need Help Completing the Form?

Nicole Mayer.

Nicole Mayer

Asset Management, Financial Management

Phone: 716-645-4556

Email: ubs-assetmanagement@buffalo.edu

Form Facts

Form Type: Downloadable, PDF document

Requirements: Adobe Reader

Updated:  3/2020

Owner:  Financial Management