Do NOT include tax documents such as W-8s or W-9s as these must be uploaded using a secure link. Any DRs submitted with sensitive information, such as W-8s and W-9s will be rejected.
Consult With Your Unit Business Officer for Initial Clarification or Interpretation Questions.
Arts & Sciences, Engineering & Applied Sciences, Architecture & Planning
Susan Eiss
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: (716) 645-8724
Email: sleiss@
UDSMR, Management, Law, Student Life, Graduate Medical Education, Graduate School of Education, Sponsored Programs, Social Work
Ingrid McCabe
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8723
Email: deviam@
Athletics, Student Housing, University Advancement
Reid Walton
Payables/Expenditure Processing Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: (716) 645-8745
Email: reidwalt@
Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino
Accounts Payable Coordinator
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8748
Email: scruffin@
Form Type: Downloadable, PDF document
Requirements: Adobe Reader
Updated: August 5, 2022
Owner: UB Foundation