Date Established: 11/06/2024
Date Last Updated:
Health and Safety
Responsible Office:
Environment, Health and Safety
Responsible Executive:
Vice President for Finance and Administration
With guidance from the State University of New York Office of General Counsel, the Camping On Campus Policy provides clearer time, place, and manner operational language.
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) is committed—for the benefit of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors—to maintaining a safe and healthy campus physical environment to carry out its research and education mission. UB is responsible for its buildings and grounds consistent with the UB and State University of New York (SUNY) policies for use of facilities, which prohibit the use of university property or buildings for purposes unrelated to sanctioned programs and activities of the university.
In indoor and outdoor locations, the establishment of, evidence of an attempt to establish, or maintenance of temporary or permanent living space (other than in residence halls and apartments) or camping site at any location on university property is strictly prohibited.
Violations will be subject to the provisions of the UB Student Code of Conduct, the SUNY Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order, the Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order for UB, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.
This policy describes general use parameters to:
This policy applies to:
The establishment of, or evidence of an attempt to establish, or maintenance of temporary or permanent living space at any location on university property other than living quarters in residence halls, apartments, or other university managed housing– this includes the establishment of any indoor and/or outdoor camping site erected in connection with any lawful assembly of individuals pursuant to SUNY/campus policies. For purpose of this definition, “living space” includes living rooms, bedrooms, or other spaces that are capable of being occupied as the equivalent of a residence or accommodation.
Establishing or maintaining outdoors, or in or under any structure not designated for human occupancy, at any time during the day or night, including but not limited to, a temporary or permanent place for cooking, storing of personal belongings or food, or sleeping by setting up any bedding, sleeping bag, mattress, tent, or other sleeping equipment.
Contact | Phone | |
Office of the Director, Environment, Health and Safety | 716-829-5818 | |
Satish K. Tripathi, President