Digital Applications

The following guidance provides visual direction for downloadable apps developed specifically for the UB community. 

Applications for Download

Icons and names developed for apps must align with current brand identity standards as detailed here:

  • Do not use any university logo, lockup, mark or the formal academic name, ‘University at Buffalo’, for the app's name or within its icon.
  • The letters UB are permissible to use along with the program/product to name the app - however they should not be reflected within or as part of the app's icon.
  • Generic iconography should visually represent the app’s functionality or purpose.
  • Use brand colors, UB Blue and Hayes Hall White, for the app icon.


DON'T use the letters UB as part of the application icon or use non-brand colors.

DON'T use the interlocking UB as part of the application icon.

UB Bulletin application icon.

DO use the letters UB to name the app outside of the application icon.

Accessibility Training Available

A free online educational resource is available through Deque University to improve your web accessibility knowledge and skill set. The full curriculum contains over 30 courses on creating accessible documents, testing and more, which are extremely valuable skills for web developers, content editors and all faculty and staff who create online materials.

> Please register to access Deque University courses.