Brian Spencer


Brian Spencer.

Brian Spencer


Brian Spencer


Research Interests

Continuum mechanics and materials modeling; bifurcation and stability; perturbation methods; scientific computing; variational calculus.


PhD, Northwestern University

Research Summary

Professor Spencer's research interests are in the applied mathematics of materials. The research combines physics-based mathematical models with asymptotic, analytic and numerical methods to describe growth processes, instabilities and microstructure formation in materials. Specific research programs include:

  • shape transitions in faceted quantum dots
  • liquid drop shapes during vapor-liquid-solid nanowire growth
  • corner regularizations in crystal growth models

Selected Publications

W. Wang and B. J. Spencer, Does elastic stress modify the equilibrium corner angle?, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol 167, art 105003 (2022).

W. Wang and B. J. Spencer, A Numerical solution for the stress near a hole with corners in an infinite plate under biaxial loading, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, vol 127, art 13 (2021).

C. Wei and B. J. Spencer, A Fokker-Planck reaction model for the epitaxial growth and shape transition of quantum dots, Proceedings Royal Society A, vol 473, art 20170308 (2017).

C. Wei and B. J. Spencer, Asymmetric shape transitions of epitaxial quantum dots, Proceedings Royal Society A, vol 472, art 20160262 (2016). 

B. J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, Symmetry breaking in shape transitions of epitaxial quantum dotsPhysical Review B, vol 87, art 161301 (2013).