UB’s Graduate School of Education has partnered with GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Center of Buffalo to provide UB students with in-classroom experience teaching students with disabilities. UB students were photographed at the center working with clients in July 2021. GSE professor Claire Cameron is working with the program.

CATT News & Updates

Featuring teaching tips and stories highlighting teaching and assessment innovations happening around UB.

Latest News & Updates

  • Generative AI Survey for UB Instructors
    As the integration of artificial intelligence in education continues to evolve, we are seeking the input of instructors at UB to better understand how these tools are being utilized.
  • Introducing the Instructional Innovation and Transformation Team
    The Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Teaching Transformation (CATT) is excited to announce the launch of our Instructional Innovation and Transformation team. This new initiative, led by Dr. Mara Huber, represents a significant step forward in our ongoing commitment to advancing teaching and learning at UB.

Latest Podcast Episode

  • Bridging Classroom and Career with Experiential Projects | Ep. 6
    Can experiential learning be the key to unlocking students' career potential? This episode, featuring Dr. Mara Huber, the newly appointed Senior Director for Instructional Innovation and Transformation in the University of Buffalo's Office of Curriculum Assessment and Teaching Transformation (CATT), aims to answer that question with a resounding yes.

Past Updates

  • Adaptive Release: Using UB Learns to Manage Access to Course Content
    Have you created a test, presentation, assignment or group assignment that you don’t want all your students to see? Do you want to manage or limit who gets access to some tasks? You can do that in UB Learns using the Adaptive Release tool.
  • Instructor Led Videos: Best Practices
    As one of the Learning Designers at UB's Center for Educational Innovation, I have the great opportunity of teaching faculty course design and best practices. I often get asked by faculty when and how to consider using pre-recorded instructions for asynchronous delivery. I begin by stating that video by no means can replace you as the instructor, nor should it in my opinion. I advise that you use video sparingly. However, videos can be made quite effectively when some basic rules are followed.
  • Making a Case for Improving Educational Video Quality
    Today’s traditional students do not remember when video production and distribution was reserved for skilled professionals. Those days are gone, and over the past two decades we have seen a proliferation of consumer video technologies that allow anyone with a cell phone or webcam to create and stream (broadcast) endless amounts of video content.
  • Student Engagement in a Changing Academic Landscape
    The good, bad and best practices... Student engagement has been at the forefront of many conversations as of late, but is not a new topic in higher education. With the onset of lockdowns across the board, remote teaching and some uncertainty of what academia will look like in the future, finding the right balance in student engagement is imperative. 
  • Authentic Assessment: It’s All About Transfer
    As a student, I often felt that the only purpose of studying for my classes was to succeed on a test.  Those types of classes always left me feeling a bit empty in terms of the learning aspect. 
  • Keeping Lines of Communication Open Using UB Supported Tools
    Education is evolving fast. Every day, we hear about some new technology that will change the world and the way we learn in it. Here at the University at Buffalo we have a very powerful tool available right at our fingertips called UB Learns.