Please join CII Co-Director David Castillo for this installment of the REfactor seminar series.
Masks required for in-person attendance.
Castillo is Professor of Spanish and Co-director of the Center for Information Integrity at SUNY Buffalo where he served as Chair of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures from 2009 to 2015. He is the author of What Would Cervantes Do? Navigating Post-Truth with Spanish Baroque Literature, Un-Deceptions: Cervantine Strategies for the Disinformation Age, Baroque Horrors: Roots of the Fantastic in the Age of Curiosities and Awry Views: Anamorphosis, Cervantes, and the Early Picaresque, and co-author of Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age of Inflationary Media, Zombie Talk: Culture, History, Politics and What Would Cervantes Do? Navigating Post-truth with Spanish Baroque Literature. Castillo has also coedited Reason and Its Others: Italy, Spain, and the New World, Spectacle and Topophilia: Reading Early and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures, Writing in the End Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World, and the forthcoming Continental Theory Buffalo: Transatlantic Crossroads of a Critical Insurrection.