S1M0NE (11/21/24)

Image from the movie poster for S1M0NE.

CII 2024 Film Series

Thursday November 21, 2024 | 5:30-8:00 PM | Capen Hall 310

A producer's film is endangered when his star walks off, so he decides to digitally create an actress to substitute for the star, becoming an overnight sensation that everyone thinks is a real person. Starring Al Pacino, Catherine Keener, and Rachel Roberts.

UB Center for Information Integrity co-Directors Dr. Siwei Lyu and Dr. David Castillo will follow the film with a discussion on its message as it relates to media, artificial intelligence, deepfakes, and popular culture.

About the speakers

Dr. Siwei Lyu is one of the world’s leading experts on DeepFakes. He has testified on this subject before the NY Senate and US House of Representatives. His work on media forensics has been featured in more than 50 media interviews from global media venues including CNN, BBC, and Wired Magazine.

Dr. David Castillo is Professor of Spanish and the author of Un-Deceptions: Cervantine Strategies for the Disinformation Age, Baroque Horrors: Roots of the Fantastic in the Age of Curiosities and Awry Views: Anamorphosis, Cervantes, and the Early Picaresque, and co-author of Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age of Inflationary Media, Zombie Talk: Culture, History, Politics and What Would Cervantes Do? Navigating Post-truth with Spanish Baroque Literature.