Eligibility & Application

Pursuing your PhD begins here.

A group of people standing next to large steps, in the winter.

If you are an eligible undergraduate who is interested in pursuing a PhD, we encourage you to explore our program. McNair Scholars have access to workshops, research internships, faculty mentorship, leadership opportunities, funding and more that make all the difference as you advance through your education.

Eligibility Requirements & Criteria

Dedicated to excellence in scholarship, this program serves low-income, first-generation undergraduate student populations as they plan their journey toward earning a PhD. degree. Participants are representative of disadvantaged backgrounds and have demonstrated strong academic potential. Program staff work closely with participants as they complete their undergraduate degree requirements. Upon the conferral of their baccalaureate degrees, our participants are expected to enroll in a graduate program and are tracked through to the successful completion of advanced degrees. The goal is to increase the attainment of PhD. degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society.

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Have a 3.0 or greater GPA.
  • Commit to attending graduate school and earning a PhD.
  • Have sophomore or junior standing at UB. (Seniors are accepted on a limited basis.)

Remember: PhDs are not just for science students — the McNair program is open to eligible undergraduate students from many disciplines. If your field of study leads to a PhD or EdD, we want to work with you!