Global Research Scholar in Residence Grant


The UB Office of International Education (OIE) offers grants on a competitive basis to support visiting scholars for a campus visit to advance collaborative research and creative activities in fulfillment of the university’s commitment to global research, scholarship, and education. The visit is normally expected to be 5-7 days. This program aims to foster an intellectual community for international collaboration and/or collaborative research on important global/international topics. In addition to the collaborative work, the visiting global research scholar is expected to give a public lecture and a workshop with graduate students. To offset the visiting scholar’s travel, housing, honorarium, and other expenses, grants of up to $3,500 and $5,000 will be awarded to the UB faculty member who is hosting a scholar from a U.S. institution or a non-U.S. institution, respectively.  The fund will be transferred to the hosting faculty member’s home department, which will administer the grant.


Any UB tenure-track (pre-tenure and tenured) faculty is eligible to apply for a grant to host a visiting scholar. The hosting UB faculty should demonstrate a record of collaboration with the visiting scholar (e.g., publications, conference presentations, exhibitions, joint grant submissions and/or equivalent academic work with their collaborators). The global research scholars refer to those who are based in non-U.S. institutions or others who are based in a U.S. institution with a research focus on important global/international topics. They could come from a diverse group of highly accomplished junior and senior researchers from across academic disciplines. These scholars are required to hold a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree. Applicants need to demonstrate in measurable terms the need for a residency visit to advance a joint and collaborative research project.

Application Materials

  • 1.     A completed application on the submission site, to include: name, title, departmental affiliation, and contact information for the UB hosting faculty
    • Name, title, departmental affiliation, and contact information for the visiting scholar
  • 2.     A Collaborative Project Description of no more than 1,000 words. This document should provide the following:
    • description of the nature, objectives, and tangible outcomes of collaboration 
    • explanation of its significance in the discipline
    • specification of the elements of collaboration
    • detailed timeline for accomplishing the collaborative project (this part of the description should also detail the work plan and activities during the visit for which the funds are requested).
  • 3.     A current brief Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the visiting scholar of no more than five pages.
  • 4.     A current brief Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the hosting faculty member of no more than five pages. 
  • 5.     An itemized budget for the funding request, and a budget justification
  • 6.     A signed form from the chair of the hosting faculty’s department that indicates a commitment to facilitate the global research scholar’s visit. In the form, the department chair should agree to assist with logistical aspects of the visit, including arrangements for travel, lodging, meals, public lecture and its publicity, the graduate student workshop, and if available, office space for the visitor, among other. **If the chair is the hosting faculty, the letter of support should come from an Associate Dean.

Deadline and Submission

Applicants must submit all required documents as separate files (PDF or WORD) to the OIE submission site. Grants are awarded twice a year, and the application deadlines are at the close of business (5:00 pm) on February 28 and September 30.

You can apply via the form at:

Evaluation Procedure

Applications will be evaluated by a UB faculty committee convened by the OIE. Applicants will be notified of their funding decision normally within a month of the deadline.

Summary Report

The hosting UB faculty should submit a written summary report of no more than 1,000 words specifying the delivery of outcomes within a month of the residency visit to the UB Office of International Education at Failure to submit the summary report in time may make the awardee ineligible for future OIE grants.