Promoting UB’s International Identity

The diversity of our university community derives in part from the many cultures and languages represented by our students, scholars and employees from more than 100 countries around the world. Our international identity is an important source of strength and pride for all of us.

Supporting Success with Services, Programs and Partners

As a resource and advocate for the international members of our community, OIE supports individuals’ inclusion and success in that community, and a recognition of their role and vital contributions.

  • Our UB Immigration Services and Faculty Launch program directly support new international faculty and researchers, facilitating their inclusion and eventual success at UB. 
  • The Scholars at Risk program brings threatened academics from countries in conflict, affording UB the opportunity to benefit from their diverse perspectives. 
  • A major thrust of International Student Services (ISS) activities is to support the inclusion and engagement of UB’s international students so they can do their best academically and benefit fully from UB resources and opportunities. 
  • The Office of Education Abroad Programs has made it a priority to increase the diversity of students studying abroad to increase access to transformative global experiences. 
  • Working with campus partners like the Office of Inclusive Excellence, OIE is leveraging our diversity to strengthen our research, education and service missions, and to make UB a more welcoming community for everyone.