As a diverse and inclusive scholarly community committed to academic freedom, UB has established the UB Scholars at Risk Fellowship to afford highly qualified academics around the world who are threatened in their own countries the opportunity to continue their research and teaching in a safe and supportive environment at UB.
UB offers a variety of undergraduate programs in the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), which prepares highly qualified graduates for exciting careers in Singapore—as well as advanced degree programs in Singapore and abroad.
The Office of International Education (OIE) offers a variety of funding opportunities to support global and international research collaborations by faculty and graduate students.
The latest census by the Institute of International Education ranked UB No. 24 among the nation’s colleges and universities hosting international students.
The Nobel laureate and human rights activist told her harrowing — and inspiring — story to a UB audience at Thursday's Distinguished Speakers Series event.
The goal of an International Faculty Launch Program at the University at Buffalo is to provide advice, information, and encouragement for new international faculty, within a confidential and positive atmosphere.
UB schools and departments wishing to develop new international affiliations that require formal agreements should review this information and follow these guidelines.
The Office of International Education collaborates with participating schools in the development, approval and delivery of UB degree programs in other countries.
The University at Buffalo maintains institutional partnerships with more than 80 leading universities around the globe. These affiliations significantly enhance UB’s international engagement and global reach, and help advance the university’s research, education and service missions.
As a diverse and inclusive scholarly community committed to academic freedom, UB has established the UB Scholars at Risk Fellowship to afford highly qualified academics around the world who are threatened in their own countries the opportunity to continue their research and teaching in a safe and supportive environment at UB.
UB offers a variety of undergraduate programs in the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), which prepares highly qualified graduates for exciting careers in Singapore—as well as advanced degree programs in Singapore and abroad.