Grades and Feedback

There are several ways for you to view your grades and your instructor's feedback for the assignments, discussions and quizzes you have completed in a course.

On this page:

An instructor must publish a grade and feedback before you can view it.

Grades Tool in the Navbar

  1. On the navbar, click Grades.
  2. There are columns for points and grades.
  3. View instructor feedback under Comments and Assessments.
  4. If a file was uploaded for the assignment, you can view any annotations your instructor added by clicking View Inline Feedback.
  5. If your instructor used a rubric to grade, click View Graded Rubric.

Class Progress Tool in the Navbar

  1. On the navbar, click Class Progress.
  2. Click Grades on the left menu.
  3. Click Feedback to view any feedback the instructor added.
  4. If a file was uploaded for the assignment, you can view any annotations your instructor added by clicking View Inline Feedback.
  5. If your instructor used a rubric to grade, click View Graded Rubric.

Progress Tool in the Minibar

  1. While in a course, on the minibar, click your name and select Progress.
  2. Click Grades on the left menu.
  3. Click Feedback to view any feedback the instructor added.
  4. If a file was uploaded for the assignment, you can view any annotations your instructor added by clicking View Inline Feedback.
  5. If your instructor used a rubric to grade, click View Graded Rubric.

You can also view your progress in all of your active courses.

  1. Click the My Home or UB Learns icons to return to the UB Learns homepage
  2. On the minibar, click your name and selectProgress.
  3. Click on a course name in the left menu.