Avoid citations and fines. Make sure you understand the rules and regulations for parking and driving on campus.
Persons who drive vehicles on the various campus locations are subject at all times to the motor vehicle laws of the State of New York, the rules and regulations of the State University of New York at Buffalo and to the ordinances of the City of Buffalo and Town of Amherst where applicable.
A complete list of campus rules and regulations consistent with the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to parking, vehicular and pedestrian traffic and safety, can be found in Part 572.
Parking rules and regulations are subject to change for certain campus events, special occasions and emergencies. Restrictions will be posted by the Parking and Transportation Services office and will be strictly enforced.
All lots are clearly signed at the entrance with the name of the lot and type of virtual permit required. Permitted parking enforced Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Faculty/Staff-Only Lots
Only valid faculty/staff virtual permits are approved in these lots. Student parking is prohibited in faculty/staff-only lots.
Student-Only Lots
Only valid student virtual permits are approved in these lots. Faculty and staff are prohibited from parking in these lots.
Faculty/Staff & Student Shared Lots
A valid faculty/staff or student virtual parking permit must be assigned to park in these lots.
Commuter Student & Faculty/Staff Lots
Commuter students, faculty, and staff may park with a valid virtual permit, in the Hochstetter B and Jarvis A Lots on the North Campus. Resident students are prohibited from parking in these two lots.
Student Apartment Parking
Residents of university-owned apartment villages must register their vehicle for a virtual permit. The virtual permit allows parking in the complex where the vehicle registrant resides. Virtual permits from one complex are not valid in another. With the exception of the commuter lots, these virtual permits are also valid in student-designated lots.
First-Year Resident Student Parking
If you are a first-year student who lives on campus, you must be parked in your residence hall lot or a Park and Ride lot Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Use the campus buses and shuttles to get to class and for travel between campuses.
Park in the student designated lots adjacent to your residence hall. Residents of the Governors Complex should use the Governors E Lot. You may move your car to a Park and Ride Lot on campus, such as the Center for Tomorrow, Arena, Alumni B & C or Stadium lots on the North Campus, and the Main-Bailey or Parker lots on the South Campus during the restricted time.
Fronczak Paid Parking
Annual, semester and summer access cards may be purchased by faculty/staff or students for the Fronczak paid parking lot on the North Campus near Capen Hall. Vehicles must be registered for a virtual permit prior to purchasing a Fronczak access card. Daily entry rates are $5, 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; $3 after 1:00 p.m. Rates subject to change.
Visitor Parking
Visitors may obtain a guest parking permit from Parking and Transportation Services or from the department they are visiting. These permits are valid in any faculty/staff, student or shared lot. They are not valid in apartment complex lots or in lieu of payment where required.
Visitors may pay to park in a metered or pay-by-cell space, rates vary; or in the Fronczak visitor lot on the North Campus. Entry fee is $5 weekdays, 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., $3 after 1:00 p.m.
Parking Meters & Pay by Cellphone
Parking meters are enforced 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Rates vary per location. Parking is prohibited at malfunctioning meters. Report broken meters to 716-645-3943.
To pay by cellphone, pre-register at Parkmobile.com. Park in a signed Parkmobile space and call in the 4-digit parking zone indicated on the sign. Parking permits are not valid at parking meters or in Parkmobile spaces without payment.
Clinic Patient Parking
Certain lots and spaces are designated for use by clinic patients displaying special, dated parking permits provided by the clinic. Look for signage indicating who can use these spaces. Clinic parking is not for use by UB faculty/staff and students, including those visiting a clinic.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Charging stations are available on the North Campus in the Jacobs B Lot, Mary Talbert Way and Coventry Road. On the South Campus, EV stations can be found in the Parker Lot and in Diefendorf Loop. Vehicles must be charging while parked at the stations. There is a fee of $1.50/per hour at each station; maximum parking/charging time is 3 hours.
Parking for Persons with Disabilities Designated areas are reserved for vehicles with disability license plates or hangtags issued by a municipality. These must be accompanied by a university-issued disability parking permit obtained from Parking and Transportation Services.
Special Event Parking
Reserved parking is available for most cultural and athletic events. Parking and Transportation Services will determine which spaces may be used for events. A nominal fee may apply.
Motorcycle Parking
Faculty, staff and students must register their motorcycle, moped or scooter annually for permission to park on campus. Such vehicles with virtual permits, may park in areas designated for “motorcycles only.” Motorcycles may also park in regular parking spaces in valid lots. Unless otherwise noted, these vehicles are not permitted to park on sidewalks, under building overhangs, inside courtyards, or in buildings.
Overnight Parking
Overnight parking is available on campus year-round, and is restricted to designated areas. Parking on all roadways is prohibited. Signs are posted in lots where overnight parking is allowed or prohibited.
Restricted Parking Areas
Parking is prohibited on all roadways, sidewalks, fire lanes, and grass areas unless otherwise indicated. Additional restricted areas include those spaces designated for motorcycles, persons with disabilities, service or state vehicles, loading docks, and Red permits. These restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Vehicles must park in a designated parking space or area, in accordance with restrictions, at all times. No person shall park on the premises of the university in such manner as to interfere with the use of a fire hydrant, fire lane, or other emergency zone; create any other hazard or unreasonably interfere with the free and proper use of a roadway or pedestrian way. Unless otherwise indicated, parking outside of lined spaces, within end of row triangles, or beyond double lines is prohibited and strictly enforced.
Parking Citations Appeals Process
Appeals should be based on the premise that the citation was not consistent with university parking regulations.
The first step entails submitting a written statement describing why the citation is unwarranted, online at buffalo.edu/parking. Parking & Transportation Services must receive an appeal within 15 business days from the date the citation was issued. All fines incur a late fee if not paid or appealed within the 15-day period; in addition, failure to comply constitutes a plea of guilt. Appellants are notified by email as to the result of their appeal. By request, an appeal may continue to a second step in front of a hearing officer. If a request is made for a third step, the fine must be paid and evidence and transcripts from the second step will be reviewed by a panel. A refund will be issued if the citation is dismissed. Late fines are not added while an appeal is pending.
Outstanding Parking Fines Overdue parking fines on student accounts may result in placement of a hold which will prevent class registration and block transcript requests. Faculty and staff members may be subject to payroll deduction as a means of collecting outstanding parking fines. Vehicles with outstanding fines may be referred as scofflaws to the DMV, which will block their registration renewal.
Towing and Booting
Any vehicle parked illegally on campus with six or more unpaid tickets is subject to towing or booting at registrants’ expense. Vehicles double or triple parked, blocking roadways or parked illegally in handicap or clinic areas are subject to immediate towing. Abandoned vehicles will be towed and impounded in accordance with New York State Vehicle & Traffic Law(s). Individuals who are towed or booted will be required to pay a release charge as well as all fines, or make a payment agreement, before the vehicle is released.
Traffic Controls
The following traffic controls are applicable to the grounds of the State University of New York at Buffalo (North Campus), Town of Amherst, Erie County, unless otherwise indicated.
North Campus
No persons shall drive a vehicle on university streets, roads or highways at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing; but in no event shall a person drive a vehicle in excess of 30 miles per hour unless a different speed is authorized and indicated by the university. The maximum speed limit at which vehicles may proceed on or along roadways is as follows:
South Campus
The following traffic controls are applicable to the grounds of the State University of New York at Buffalo (South Campus), City of Buffalo, Erie County, unless otherwise indicated.
University at Buffalo Parking and Transportation Services
Administrative Office:
106 Spaulding Quad, Buffalo, NY 14261
Customer Service Walk-In Center
1Capen, Capen Hall, North Campus
Website: buffalo.edu/parking
Email: parking@buffalo.edu
Phone: 716-645-3943
Administrative Offices
106 Spaulding Quadrangle
North Campus
Tel: 716-645-3943
Email: parking@buffalo.edu
Email: transportation@buffalo.edu