Special Event Security

Need help urgently from a police officer?

Call 716-645-2222

Are you organizing a special event in which you think having a security presence would be beneficial?  University Police is the exclusive security provider on university property and facilities.

About Special Event Security

University Police, in collaboration with the Office of Student Life or the Office of Special Events, will review your request for events where you have a concern for the protection of participants or property,  and will determine the security measure.

Absolutely no private or outside law enforcement is permitted to work at events on university property, unless coordinated through University Police.



You may be required to pay for University Police services.

Be Prepared to Provide

  • Contact information for group leaders who will be on-site during the event
  • A copy of the contract
  • Plan for safeguarding and depositing funds if collected

Be Prepared to Identify

  • Estimates of expected attendance
  • The intended audience:
    • Open to the public through general tickets sales or by invitation only
    • Reserved solely for UB students, faculty, staff
  • If cash is being collected at the event (with a plan for safeguarding and depositing funds)
  • If alcohol is being served at the event (This must be pre-approved by the alcohol review board.)
  • Names of speakers, entertainment groups
    • Whether they are considered to be controversial or have encountered safety-related concerns at previous performances
    • Their last two (2) places of performance or engagement

How Do I Use Special Event Security?

Seek approval from the appropriate university office, if you are interested in hosting events on university property:

Your UB Affiliation Website Phone
Student Office of Student Life 716-645-2982
Faculty or Staff
Office of Special Events 716-645-6147

Contact For More Information

Deputy Chief Mark Gates

University Police

Bissell Hall

Phone: 716-645-8908

Email: mgates@buffalo.edu