Mental Health Self-Help

Student taking the time for meditation.

Published March 14, 2025

As a UB student, you have 24/7 access to a variety of online, self-help mental health resources.

Maintain connections and your mental health this summer by using our online self-help tools. You don't have to be on campus to find support. We've got you covered 24/7, wherever you are. 


Togetherall is an online peer-to-peer platform, offering a safe space to connect with others experiencing similar feelings. Plus, there are always trained professionals on hand, 24/7, 365 days a year. And, if sharing isn’t your thing, Togetherall has tools and courses to help you look after yourself, along with plenty of resources to explore. Click here to register.

Whether you're struggling to cope, feeling low or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you to explore your feelings in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Togetherall is FREE for UB students. Use your UB email when you sign up
  • Within the Togetherall platform members are anonymous, so no one will know you’re using it.
  • Most members report feeling better and increased ability to cope as a result of using the service.
  • It's available 24/7 and nearly 70% use Togetherall outside of normal office hours. 

To join Togetherall’s supportive online community, you’ll need to follow these steps to register:

  • Enter your UB email address on the Togetherall student registration page.
  • Enter your details and click Sign up.
  • You'll be sent an email to verify your email address. Click on the link to activate your account.
  • Members of the Togetherall community always remain anonymous. Create a unique username for yourself during the registration process that does not include your real name or any information that could reveal your identity.

On-Line Screenings

Mental health screenings are a quick way to determine if you or someone you care about may need to reach out to a doctor or mental health professional for an evaluation. These types of screenings are typically designed to be educational, not diagnostic.

TAO Self-Help

TAO Self-Help is a customizable, self-guided program that includes interactive educational modules and practice tools to help you understand and manage how you feel, think and act. You can learn stress management, mindfulness skills, problem-solving, relationship skills, and strategies for bouncing back from life’s disappointments and frustrations. TAO Self-Help is completely self-directed, with no contact with a mental health professional.

Materials in TAO Self-Help can help with stress, anxiety, relationship problems, anger management, problem solving, communications and evaluating your alcohol and drug use through:

  • Self-help tools
  • Mindfulness library and exercises
  • Self-help videos
  • Educational modules
  • Logs to track moods and progress

Access is available to all current UB students, faculty and staff.

Accessing TAO is easy from desktop or mobile, once you create your account:

  • Use your UB email address to create your account
  • Create a unique password (minimum 8 characters in length containing 1 non-alpha numeric character and 1 capitalization)
  • Agree to TAO services
  • Check your UB email to finish your account set up

Need help with TAO Self Help, contact TAO at

SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students

Because mental health concerns often first appear between the ages of 18 and 25, it’s our goal to provide students access to the wide range of suicide prevention and mental health resources that are available to them during their time at the University at Buffalo.

SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students is a 30-minute, self-guided online training that uses video and interactive learning to teach college students how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) if they are worried about themselves or a friend. 

This course uses real and diverse stories of mental health struggles and recovery to provide students with resources and actionable steps to: 

  • recognize signs of suicide risk 
  • encourage someone to seek help 
  • build strong peer connections 
  • foster positive mental well-being 

  • Click here and click "Create Account".
  • Enter your name, email address, and chosen password. Click "Create".
  • Enter the redemption code universityatbuffalo and click "Next".
  • View dashboard and choose SOS for Higher Ed for Students

If you are struggling now, help is available for UB Students. During normal business hours call Counseling Services and ask speak to a crisis counselor (716-645-2720).  If your emergency occurs after normal business hours, call 716-645-2720 and press option “2” to speak with a counselor or call Crisis Services of Erie County at 716-834-3131.  Other options are to call/text/chat 988 or text 741741 for support 24/7.

Need More Help?
  • The Crisis Text Line provides 24-hour support for people experiencing a mental health or situational crisis. Messages are confidential, anonymous and secure. Text: “GOT5” to 741-741
  • Consider individual and group counseling services


This information is designed to provide self-help resources for mental health. This website is not psychotherapy treatment. If you have questions, need help or just want someone to talk with, please contact Counseling Services.

For more services and opportunities like this:

University at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quadrangle, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14261

Phone: (716) 645-2720; Fax: (716) 645-2175

University at Buffalo
1st Floor Michael Hall, South Campus
Buffalo, NY 14214