Medical Care

A nurse gives a flu shot to a student at the new Student Health Services facility.

Whether you’re feeling sick — or you want to stay healthy — we’re here to help take great care of you during your time at UB.

  • Available Care
    Need a doctor or nurse? Our professional health care providers can help you manage your medical care.
  • After-Hours Care
    If you are sick or injured when we are closed, including nights & weekends, call our office for advice from a nurse. 
  • Make an Appointment
    If you need to see a doctor or nurse for medical care, start by making an appointment with Student Health Services.
  • Immunizations and TB Testing
    Student Health Services offers a variety of vaccinations (also known as immunizations), as well as testing for tuberculosis (TB).
  • Flu Shots and Prevention
    Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
  • Care for Respiratory Illnesses
    As the threat from COVID-19 becomes more similar to that of other common respiratory viruses, the CDC has issued Respiratory Virus Guidance, rather than virus-specific guidance. 
  • Health Insurance
    Health insurance requirements have changed, beginning with the Fall 2024 semester. Please read carefully to understand your requirements and options.
  • Sexual Health
    Not all college students are sexually active. However, if you are, here are a couple things you should know to stay safe and healthy.
  • Student Health Medical Records (Patient Portal)
    As a student, you can view your immunization records through the  Patient Portal — the online patient portal for UB Student Health Services.
  • Policies
    Student Health Services' policies are designed to help ensure access to health care resources, help safeguard student privacy, and promote student well-being.
Don’t Forget

All students have health-related requirements that must be fulfilled before classes start.

> Learn more about Immunization and Meningitis Requirements

Health Care Forms

If you need immunization forms, health background forms, parental consent forms or any other forms related to health care, please visit the Forms Library.