Student FAQ

How can I start using Navigate?

You can download Navigate in the App Store or Google Play by searching for “Navigate Student.” Then, choose University at Buffalo in the app.

Can I access Navigate if I don’t have a smartphone?

Absolutely! You can log in to the desktop version of the site and sign on with your UBIT username and password.

How much do I have to pay for it?

Zero, nada, zilch. It costs nothing for you to download Navigate or use the desktop version!

However, that doesn’t mean that your friends at other schools can download it. We specially partnered with Navigate to customize it for your UB experience.

Help, I can’t log in to Navigate!

If you find you are unable to get into the Navigate mobile app, try the desktop version

Please know that if it has been more than one year since your last enrollment, you may have exceeded the time frame we allow access to Navigate. If this is the case, please contact the office you’re trying to get in touch with directly using their phone number or email.

If you successfully enter your credentials in the sign on web page, but Navigate says “Uh-oh…” or “Something went wrong,” submit a ticket for further assistance. 

Can you get to UB’s sign-on webpage? If you get this far but your credentials are rejected, there is an issue with your UBIT account. Contact the UBIT Help Center for UBIT username and password assistance.

I received the error "MISSING_USER_403: Sorry your credentials worked, but we can't find your account", what do I do?

Access to the Navigate mobile app is available the day after you pay your enrollment/tuition deposit. Note that some advising areas do not allow students to schedule appointments via Navigate until the semester begins. 

Review your UB email for instructions on how to schedule an appointment with your advising unit or to review your UB course schedule. 

If your advising unit sent you an appointment invitation, try logging in using 

What do I do if my app is frozen or acting weird?

Try a hard close and relaunch the app.

  • For iOS, double click the Home button then swipe the app preview away to hard close.
  • On Android, open the app manager view and slide the app preview away to hard close.

How do I change my notification settings?

In the Settings tab, you can personalize your notification preferences by clicking on “Notification Settings.”

Will the university reach out using text messages?

The university may reach out to you using a text message. 

If you schedule appointments using Navigate, you may receive appointment notifications and reminders through emails and/or text message. Confirm your cell phone number is accurate and identified as a cell phone in HUB to ensure you receive these. 

If you desire to opt out of receiving text messages, simply reply "STOP". 

I'm a new UB student and I don’t see my major in Navigate.

Your major will display in the mobile app once you enroll/your advisor enrolls you in your first semester.

My major isn’t correct.

Your HUB Student Center is the most up-to-date place to confirm your major. Majors update every 24 hours in Navigate. If you just changed your major, it may take one day to update. Additionally, you may want to wait until your major updates to make an appointment with your advising area as you may not see your updated advising unit as an option yet.

Navigate only displays one major, so if you’re double majoring or have a minor, don’t worry. Your first and primary major will display.

My Class Schedule isn’t correct.

Your HUB Student Center is the most up-to-date place to confirm your class schedule. Classes in Navigate update every 24 hours. If you just added or dropped a class, it may take one day to update.

If you added your class schedule to your calendar app on your phone, you will need to manually update the calendar to reflect your recent change. Log into your Navigate app and manually add the class to your calendar (one by one or all again).

When are advising offices available for appointments?

Most advising centers offer appointments Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

When should I email or call my advisor instead of scheduling an appointment?

You can pose a quick question directly to your advisor via email or phone. Please allow up to two business days for a response. If necessary, your advisor will instruct you to schedule an advising appointment.

If you schedule a phone appointment through Navigate and have an international phone number, you are required to call your advisor directly for your appointment.

I want to change my major but I do not see the new department in Navigate to schedule my appointment. What should I do?

If you are unable to access an advising center in Navigate, utilize the Advising Directory to find the new department’s contact information. You may contact the new department by phone, email, through their website or by an in-person visit to inquire about applying to/changing your major and scheduling an advising appointment.

I am a prospective UB student. Can I use Navigate to schedule my advising appointment?

Only students admitted to UB can use Navigate to schedule an advising appointment. Consult the Advising Directory for contact information and further information.