Assessment Cycle & Results

Assessment of the UB Curriculum is conducted on a five-year cycle, assessing two to three components each year. All components are assessed, at a minimum, once every five years. The UB Curriculum leverages assessment for continuous improvement. Results shared below briefly summarize recent component assesssments and how each relate to the program learning outcomes. 

Program Learning Outcome Results

Upcoming Assessment Schedule

2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028
  • Pathways
  • Capstone
  • World History & Global Awareness
  • World Languages
  • UBS
  • CL1
  • Social Sciences
  • US History & Civic Engagement
  • MQR
  • SLI
  • The Arts
  • Humanities
  • Diversity in the US
  • CL2

Continuous Improvement Activities:

·Updated learning outcomes to streamline and clarify.

·Improved assessment methods: increased faculty involvement, streamlined rubric language and methods, hosted faculty workshops to review and plan for upcoming assessment cycles

·Facilitated progress report collection for UB Seminar, ENG 105 & Capstone courses with follow-up to at-risk students by instructors and campus partners

·UB Seminar: implemented Student Success Coaching pilot, block registration pilot, hosted faculty development session for ongoing training

·Communication Literacy: held external review  (CL1 & CL2), improved partnership with libraries to deliver information literacy outcomes in ENG 105, instructors implemented Eli Review for peer writing

·Diversity: Name changed from Diversity Learning to Diversity in the United States to highlight course focus, reviewed all Diversity in the United States approved course syllabi.

·Pathways: Path Finder Tool enhancements including student course history, strengthened global content, implemented waitlist policy, ensured scaffolding from introductory to more advanced courses.

·Capstone: Condensed to seven-week  sessions and transitioned from Digication to UB Learns.