Academic Success

Textbook Resources

The following books are widely-used textbooks for first-year seminars. All of them are available at UB libraries.

  • Britt Andreatta, Navigating the Research University: A Guide for First-Year Students
  • John N. Gardner, A. Jerome Jewle (eds.), Your College Experience: Strategies for Success
  • Linda B. Nilson, Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructor
  • Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson (eds.), Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
  • Bette LaSere Erickson, Calvin B. Peters, and Diane Weltner Strommer, Teaching First-Year College Students 

UB Seminar Class Visits

The offices listed below are available to present in your UB Seminar, introducing students to support and engagement opportunities to make the most of their time at UB.